February 17, 2009

Black hats

So now that I got the hats straightened out, I was able to get some final photos of Marshal Ney and staff.
(also votable)

February 15, 2009

Mistaken Identity

It was pointed out to me today when I shared the final pictures of the Taco General Staff that I had in fact failed rather stunningly in my limited research into the correct uniform colors. Aparently all bicornes and the like were black in the French army. A cusory look around the web confirms this. . .not sure how I missed it before.

But whats more, how did the people I shared the work in progress with miss it as well? I expect more from my readership! Yes thats right, the both of you. Next time let me know before I finish the figure, will ya?

February 11, 2009

The Return of Commander Taco

I know, I know, I'm supposed to be working on the elf. I've been a complete spaz since we've moved and haven't really settled into a consistent project groove yet. I started these French staff officers before the move, and I just realized I was really almost done with them, so why not finish them off. The chance to have something completed was too strong, I had to take it. Now all I need is for the putty to dry, and they'll be on their way out the door shortly there after.

February 8, 2009

Going Stag

Costochondritis is pretty much destroying my productivity of late. . . and driving me f'ing nuts. I managed to get a little work done on the stag though, and have the rider ready to go too.

February 1, 2009

Stag's Leap

I wasn't sure how the fur and hide pallette was going to come together, but I'm happy with how this is working out. I'm managing to find good contrasts while still keeping the overall effect very muted and staying away from highlighting to white which would be absurd here.