And lo it did come to pass that the wuxia warband was finally finished!
Considering how many other things I get up to in a summer I'm pretty pleased that I finished these by September after first laying paint to them in April. I'm also incredibly happy both with the results, and to see the the end of the project. Possibly more so than I have been at the end of any other miniatures project in fact.
So here is the final round up, in 8x10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows on the back.




Hired Swords:
(assassin & pitfighter)

Characters and Hired Sword:
(1st fighter, captain, warlock)

Bear and bear-master:

Attack from Ten Directions!:

Astute readers may notice that the bear-master is new to this thread. I had originally converted a copplestone figure for that job, but then I was unhappy with her face after I got it primed. I tried a head-swap, but everything I tried didn't match well proportionally. So then I naievely tried to put her original head /back/, which didn't work. I was near just giving up and deciding that one of the green-clad fighters would take the duty, and then I remembered this awesome leaping assassin figure I've had on my shelf. I painted him a few years ago, and he's just been on display as I had no real use for him. What a perfect fit for the gang! And already painted in white to tie in with the bear. So I dusted him off, painted his belt and his facemask green to match the rest of the team, and voila. Awesome bear-dude to round out the gang.
Also, it looks like I missed a spot on the bear's shoulder and some brown is showing through. I'll go fix that later.
Final manufacturer list for this warband:
Perry Brothers
Wargames Foundry
AEG/Clan Wars
Assassin Miniatures
Guild of Harmony
100Kingdoms / Black Orc Games
Most of the weapon conversions were from The Assault Group, or scratch built.
Resin bases are all from Dragon Forge Designs