I've used this flesh tone before (the last dwarf, and the paladin's faces were both the same recipe), but this is the first time I've ever tried it on a big area, and I really wasn't sure it'd work. I had a hard time getting the hang of it, and that made me realize how much my own knowledge about painting flesh is really 'my own knowledge about painting flesh with /my/ recipe'. This became apparent when I did the flesh recipe guide a few months ago, but then the figures weren't /for/ anything specific ( I wasn't even keeping them) so it didn't feel like there was as much invested I guess. Anyway, it was a challenge. It wasn't until I started blocking in the rest of the figure with other colors that I began to be convinced that I wouldn't be totally unhappy with it. As it is, I'm pretty darn happy with it as a quick job, and I may keep this recipe when I get to my empire dwarf unit (though that may be a bit of a cop-out since they'll be almost all armoured, so I'll only have to manage faces). Incidentally, the recipe is Recipe #1 on the above guide. Maybe I should have looked at that picture to remind myself how to handle it. I don't normally go as dramatically shaded as this... I think thats part of what had me unsure of it.
Also, I finished the last stretch of feehand on the Reiksguard tonight... the banner. w00t! All that is left is to attach it, and flock the bases. I'm stupid happy about that.
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