October 26, 2009

bits and bobs

I always enjoy the places between project, when I can do a little of this and a little of that. Glue project 4 while project 6 is drying downstairs etc.

I finally got in touch with the fine gents at Thomarillion about the missing piece from my terrain order earlier this summer which bodes well for Ben and I getting our ruined town fleshed out a bit more.

I finished the weapon swaps and bases on 4 or 5 more members of my bandit gang, which is very pleasing. I still have about 10 to go, so plenty of time to agonize over the color scheme decisions.

2 of them I finished today are the monks. The figures are Perry japanese monks with weapons from Wyrd Miniatures. Their statline will be based on the Cossaks, which are basically the same as regular warriors, but they have hatred of all Chaos, Dark Elves, and Skaven. I thought 2 of them was about right to include in a warband that will be primarily tussling with the rat-men.

One of them will probably end up with a wide wicker hat.

And because it is the season:

A few other minor projects were dabbled in too; They may or may not be getting any attention in the near future, we'll see.

October 23, 2009

Long Live the New Flesh

I've finished the caucasian flesh recipe reference guide.

Huzzah! Much fun was had doing this, and once again I am reminded of the enjoyment and expanded knowledge that comes from painting something outside your normal familiarity/comfort level.

October 22, 2009


I've finished the painting and photography for the flesh recipe guide, all that remains is to format it and get it published. Should only need an hour or two of html wranlging some night this week and I'll be up.

Preview: [Privateer Press Formula P3 flesh tones]

October 19, 2009

Just like grandma used to make it. . .

The flesh recipe showcase continues, I'm through stage 3 on 9 of the 12 recipes.

Here are a couple favorites back at stage 2:

October 12, 2009

Skinjob [Flesh Recipe WIP]

People are always asking how to paint cacausian flesh, so I thought I'd do a little visual recipe guide showing off the results of a number of different approaches. I've been collecting flesh recipes from various other painters, and picking up the various colors to play with them. I finally have most of them ready, and got hold of a good set of demo figures- 1/2 naked foundry germans- which are nice and chunky in that wonderful Mark Copplestone way.

The final stage by stage images will be properly lit so the reflections off my work lamp won't blow out the more subtle differences in the shades. But for now, here is the first 6 of 12, taken up to their 2nd color:

The sun never sets.

I've finally finished the Zulu diorama. The chap I painted it for should be putting it up for acution soon to help his cousin's charity fund raiser.

October 7, 2009

"they're saluting you!"

Nearly done with this Zulu vignette. I'm still working out what to do with the loin cloth. Animal print or geometric patterns?