The old stuff. Painted mostly c1993-c1996
Scythes: Multipart GW kit, and heroquest pieces
Spears: Multipart GW kit plus Alternate Armies
Handweapons: GW plastics, grenadier, ral partha, and whatever else I could find in the sale bins
Bows from the multipart box.
Undertaker's wagon. Chariot is built of balsa wood. Undertaker's hat and coat are early greenstuff experiment.
Mummies. Citadel metals plus some weird conversions based on the Heroquest game pieces.
Catapults. Citadel and some other unknown brand
Grenadier dragon with rider added
Ral Partha bone giant
Spiders from the Warhammer Quest game
A few years ago I added some of Otherworld's awesome skeletons to the infantry units
And the last few recent additions that haven't already been posted here over the last year:
Liche king:
Battle standard bearer carrying the Crimson Ghost
Big spectral thing.