LotR Ruins of Osgiliath:
They have their weak points- like the open under-stair area in the first picture isn't very convincing. But by and large I think they are quite succesful. You can see that the mold lines are visible, but not overly prominent; they just require a some dilligent sanding work to make the pieces workable. I had heard some valid criticism that the pieces were sort of thin, but I think they're OK personally. It may look a bit out of scale on the arches, maybe, but I don't mind. Also, it isn't meant to be a fortress. Think of it as an inner palace / house / civic structure- not an outer defense works, and I think within that scheme, the thinness is far less cause for concern.

More and larger images:
Mantic Ghouls:
Sadly my access to a better macro lens is limited today, as its in use by my wife, but these should give you a decent idea of the quality of Mantic's plastic sprues if you haven't seen them in person yet:

Much larger versions:
And just for something different, here is a VSF Prussian Tank Commander I'm working on for Tobsen77 Miniatures' shop. The figure is from IronClad

1 comment:
Thanks for posting those photos of the Osgiliath Ruins...looks like that may be a purchase I'll have to make.
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